Saturday, July 08, 2006

last night we had another's late and i can't quite remember what we got upto now...i've have eaten a whole sheperds pie (for four people- but which i made myself!), drank a whole bottle of wine and smoked myself senseless...perfect for writin a nonsensical blog entry - cabbage

Anyway we had a good one...Sttev came down and gave encouragement from the wings. Gav ruffled the feathers and we all searched for our beak. This bird was truely ready to be let loose and it was a fightin cockrel with boxin gloves on... we tried a mixture of old and new jives and the mood was tough...again new tune 123 was bouncin and 'full load on wool' was rumblin, whirlin and yet warm and static....'sleep fightin man' was deep inside the cage, the bird would be released from when the fight began. amen to dire straits and miss piggy.

this will be better next time...
heres a link...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

3:14AM Your Mam's not happy, much too late to be up, you neeeeed to sleeeeeep.